About us
Uncover the names and faces of the people working to finalise Butterfly Area:
The expertise of the Departments on Campus at the City of Science and the Environment and of UNITO Management are at your disposal as we work towards finalising our Company-on-Campus concept plan.
Butterfly Area is an initiative coordinated by:
The Industrial Liaison Office (ILO) is the contact point for companies, organisations as well as national and international institutions with the University of Turin, and has the aim of developing and promoting collaboration between these parties.
The Office oversees:
- The scouting of UNITO’s research expertise in relation to the innovation areas of businesses
- Organising one-to-one meetings with research groups and businesses
- Arranging visits to Departments and University research infrastructure
- Organising business-orientated events on specific University research areas
- Devising a specific programme for large enterprises
- Updating business on new opportunities for collaboration (regular emailing)
At UNITO, companies can receive support for the following activities:
- Commissioning research
- Collaborating in expert training towards research with student bursaries, doctorates, industrial doctorates, master’s courses and advanced master’s courses
- Access to laboratories and research infrastructure
- Drawing up license agreements and obtaining patents
- Active collaboration in start-ups and spin offs
- Staff participation at University training courses
- Promoting contests of ideas with researchers, start-ups and students
- Creating synergy with 2I3T, the business incubator at the University of Turin